How do I change the default font?
The text you see here, is an example of the font settings for your template.


Hyperlinked text

(h1) Heading 1

(h2) Heading 2

(h3) Heading 3

(h4) Heading 4

(h5) Heading 5
(h6) Heading 6
Click here to view video instructions.

Font attributes are set in a stylesheet (CSS file). Watch the video to learn how you can easily edit the stylesheet, to change the following font settings:

  • hyperlink colors
  • font family (type)
  • font size
  • font color
  • Heading (h1 - h6 tags)

You can modify the default font settings in your template, by editing the stylesheet.css file, located in the 'styles' folder.


If you are not familiar with CSS, then watch the video so we can walk you through the process.